Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Washington ~ More Rain *sigh*

So there is some SERIOUS rain coming in. 

Poor Little Z is not happy, because with that kind of rain comes Thunder and Lightening too.

Zeebers was SHOCKED when my HUGE Blue Jay, who has such an original name, Called Blue jumped right up on the window sile of my kitchen and demanded to be feed , and petted in that order.   Blue is pretty and very demanding.. Poor Zeebers was really surprised.

BUT it is raining hard today, and I am getting soaked.  HOWEVER we are going to take Zeebers out today again.. and get a few pictures of stuff.. and I will post it too. 

So, where I am a sending this guy?   Let me know... LOL

Huggles from the rained out Martions and Zeebers who is whining about all our Rain.