Monday, February 20, 2012

North Carolina ~ Zeebers Goes To Church????

Zeebers was a good boy at church this morning. He really likes people- especially ones who let him play and sing!

He couldn't figure out what all the knobs on the sound board were for, though, and the sound guy wasn't really happy about him trying them out!

He also went to Savannah's volleyball practice. I had to watch him pretty close around all the cute girls!

But Zeebers soon found out what happens when you get the attention of cute girls... they want to play dress-up with you. He is sporting a new, stylish earring!

He's such an attention hog, it didn't matter. Actually, I think he kinda likes it! He also got a new hair style. Savannah said she did it in the style of Deedee Pickles! I'm sure he wouldn't want to know that, though.

The internet is working, so I told him I'd post these pictures so everyone would know he is safe and having fun! We're going to bed now so that he can get up and have a good breakfast before we go to work tomorrow.

North Carolina ~ The Arrival

My friend Janeen is hosting Zeebers for a few days. Here is the original blog link if you want to pop over and say Hello.

Zeebers arrived in my mailbox on Saturday. He seemed really happy to be out of his box!

He wanted to get online and let his mommy and daddy know that he made it to NC ok. But I had to explain to him that the internet hasn't worked all week. AT&T decided to discontinue DSL in this area and replace it with U-Verse. It was supposed to be an easy "plug-this-in" kind of thing, but of course, nothing is ever that easy. Zeebers tried to help fix it, though.

So instead, he went exploring the house. Once he found Scary Cat (that Susan sent me one year) he decided to stick a little closer to me!

I was doing the dishes and he wanted to help...

... and figured out the dish detergent was the same color as his hair!

He also went digging in my purse. I guess no one ever taught him that wasn't a nice thing to do. He found some funny money! I had to explain to him that it is real money, but only if you spend it in Belize!

I made him put it away so we could get ready to go to my friend Paula's surprise birthday party. He heard the word party and was ready to go! He really liked her...

He also liked the booze that was flowing! But I reminded him that we were going home and going to bed because we had church in the morning. He was pretty good about it, but I think he kept trying to figure out how he was going to sleep in late! All in all, it was a good first day with Zeebers!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Illinois ~ Arriving and Meeting The Ladies (OMG!!!)

Oh, Man...this stop is going to be a lot of fun.
This is so cool...and weird!

Thank you so much to my friend Abby for
hosting Zeebers this week.
Main Blog on her page > HERE