Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thailand ~ The First Outing

Zeebers (the hobo troll) derailed in Thailand and will be doing the Bangkok suburbs for a while... 
Bipole (the crazy dog, thinks he is a cat) is teaching Zeebers the
[qui cum canibus concumbunt cum pulicibus surgent]

You lie down with dogs you get up with fleas
You're gonna catch something but you do as you please
You're scratchin' an itch that nothing can ease
You lie down with dogs you fall in with thieves



Carved nickels appeared about the same time as the Buffalo (Indian) nickel was issued in 1913. Hobos (not to be confused with bums, tramps or yeggs, were traveling men who worked for food, shelter or offered services such as lawn or wood cutting or "handy man" type repairs.


For some reason, the Indian's portrait became an attractive canvas and hobos quickly learned that carved nickels could be traded for a meal a bath or money. 


Before Zeebers arrived, the local police gave the house this sign. It says that this is a drug free house. Mrs Goodstuff was most concerned when she observed Zeebers teaching A Dude on how to free base caffeine while feeding Boobee Kid  Stay Puft caffeinated marshmallows  

All the groovy chicks declare "Zeeber! I what your big peepers"
Quite a few young Thai women want to win the Thailand nationwide lottery so they can afford  plastic surgery  

Zeebers exclaimed "I don't do diet food! Give me UFOs (Unidentified Fried Objects) and nobody will get hurt!"
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Zeebers (the Hero Dude) "dealt"  with a creep that was carrying doll's heads and terrifying Bangkok MRT commuters. 

Zeebers (the Hero Dude) track the deranged man to his house and found a bag of dolls - some of which had bald patches on their heads where the man apparently gnaw on them. Zeebers refuses to report on the after math...

I don't think he will "date" another vegetarian 
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Zeebers reasons that if you are going to have an Earth Day, the next day should be "Alien Day". Zeebers promised that he would not play with Thai politics. However, these stories have the Zeeber signature...
MCOT blur out the face of a Thai MP viewing an erotic image 

Next week Zeebers will be doing 

the Patpong area.

Same Bat channel !

Same bat time !

Many thanks to my Buddy, Goodstuff.
He can be found HERE if you want visit this original blog and check out his awesome page.