The next morning, it was time for Zora to head back home with Tina. He whimpered like a Chipmunk, poor little thing. I was worried about leaving him alone. But he has to get ready for his visit with Patty in Minnesota.
Saying goodbye to Zora. I will see her soon.
Just making sure that she is at the right airline...
Mom and Dad saying goodbye...for now. I was very sad that Tina has left. Man, did we have a blast. I do not recall a weekend like that EVAR! I just wanted to get home and have a couple of drinks and wait for her to call and let me know that she was safe. Only to arrive and find this...

Yep. The little bastard drank all of my alcohol and passed out in his own troll puke naked.
Patty, get ready. He is real lonely. Hide the booze and keep an eye on him.
He should arrive by Monday.
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