So... i took lil Zeebers to the Southernmost Tip of my whole entire country... Point Pelee National Park.... that's him up there chillin beside the big red arrow. :)
We had fun in week one... we recovered and kept it down to a dull roar in week two... it was fun... I'm glad Z let him come visit... we made memories.... and its kinda rural and cold here right now so i hope he wasnt too disappointed.
i threw a few lil things in the box with Zeebers and took him over to Detroit Michigan... they even asked for his pass port at the Ambassador Bridge... which is in the pic up there (it was foggy that day and hard to see) im really glad he had the proper documentation... because i wasn't ready for the subsequent searches of bodily cavities that surely would have accompanied something like smuggling trolls across the international borders.
He should be back home safe and sound in GA soon :)
.... so long as he stays in that damn box!!!
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