Some of you may not know who or what Zeebers is. He is my little traveling troll doll that has been visiting friends all over the country. I have numerous blogs about his adventures tagged lil_zeebers, if anyone would like to catch up.
It's really funny stuff and my friends all did an awesome job of hosting him and blogging about his visit. My sincere thanks to all of you that have participated up to this point.
I am pretty upset about this. More than I should be considering that he is a piece of plastic. But he really did take on a life of his own. More importantly, he and Zora became a metaphor for Tina and myself as we brought our lives together.
Hanging out with strippers and Vegas showgirls. Raiding pantie drawers and liquor cabinets. Breaking all of the rules and writing his own. Always the life of the party.
Never content to sit on a shelf and just look cute, Zeebers was the last of the plastic party animals. A rare breed indeed.
I hope that whoever has you is taking good care of you, little buddy.
Daddy misses you.
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